I draw all the information I have learned from my personal experience. This behavior is closely related to my attitude toward my work and my way of looking at the world.
I consider an individual similar to a knot related to many other knots in the center of the globe. The knot is beyond time and space. It is invisible so that we cannot touch it nor regulate it.
In my paintings, there are many knots. Diverse information on such issues as political violelnce, torture, culture, ancient heritage, sex, love, homosexuality, religion, missionaries, history, mystery, and science are all intertwined in these knots.
In order to interpret my paintings, I classify these knots into six categories: society, religion, history, science, need, and love.
I try to search the meaning of self in the reflected fractions of these six knots. Since things and events surrounding me will anyway influence me, I will be able to find myself if I trace the influence.
As a means of tracing, I take a funnel. A funnel in my paintings appear as a medium which links the confusion of unrelated events to the world of order. Another symbol of my paintings is a face which has various sensory organs. The face and head is a miraculous computer which processes information at a surprising speed showing a multiple and three-dimensional self.
The knots of events, funnels, and faces reveal my candid opinion on the world.
In a sense, my paintings seem to solve my confusion.
In general, the power of a painting becomes stronger when it expresses direct experience. I consider the scope of experience very wide. I define all the stimuli which are captured by the senses, as hearing, tasting, seeing, smelling, and touching as direct experience. So I do not hesitate to draw all the phenomena which I sense. The image of a face symbolically represents the scope of my experience.
The wider the scope of experience becomes, the further the boundary of expression and imagination will be expanded and the freer will our consciousness become.