씨름 Korean wres·tling 142x122cm oil on photograph 2005
Marriage parade 145x122cm
단오 The Dano festival 122x148.5cm oil on photograph 2010
The Menanced Assassin 159x120cm oil on photograph 2006
Myself, Portrait-Landscape 50.5x67cm oil on photograph 2005
Diana 59x90 oil on photograph 2007
face of asian50x67cm oil on photograph 2007
A Korean beauty145x57cm mixed media on photograph 2008
스핑크스와 오이디푸스Oedipus and Sphinx50.5x65 oil on photograph 2006
스핑크스와 오이디푸스 59x120cm oil on photography 2006
nofretete 40x61cm oil on photograph 2005
Shooting 138x122cm oil on photograph 2005
천사싸움 The Vision After the Sermon (Jacob Wrestling with the Angel)156x120cm oil on photograph 2005
숲 The Snake Charmer 100x90cm oil on photograph 2006
캔타우루스 89x112cm oil on photograph 2006